
Help restore sight as part of your Search4Hurt challenge!


Gather support for your challenge. The Fred Hollows Foundation will be with you every step of your fundraising journey.

Change Lives

By fundraising as part of your Search4Hurt challenge, you are changing lives and continuing the legacy of an Australian legend.

  • Gunjan just donated $26.38
  • Eva just donated $263.75
  • Wendy just donated $316.50
  • Gillian just donated $31.65
  • Christina Knight just donated $21.10
  • Anonymous just donated $360.00
  • Anonymous just donated $21.10
  • Anonymous just donated $21.10
  • Colleen Fleming just donated $100.00
  • Erine just donated $79.13
  • Beau just donated $60.00
  • David Walker just donated $52.75
  • Charlotte Weir just donated $26.38
  • Rachel Joseph just donated $26.38
  • Talitha Scholtz just donated $52.75
  • Talitha just registered for Search4Hurt 2023
  • Clive just donated $52.75
  • Georgia Eagle just donated $21.10
  • Ben Mehmet just donated $32.71
  • Rachel Stewart just donated $20.00

The Fred Hollows Foundation

Over the past 30 years, The Fred Hollows Foundation was able to restore sight to over 3 million people around the world.

Today more than ever we need your support, there are over 43 million people who are blind and over 295 million who are vision impaired and sadly, 9 out of 10 people do not have to be blind! A small procedure costing as little as $25 can help restore sight to these people.

Each dollar you raise will help these people to get not only their sight but also their dignity back – you will help change lives for ever and get a step closer to qualify for the S4H Live Show!

We've Raised


To Continue Fred Hollow's Work

This means up to

People will have their sight restored


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