Fundraising Tips

Now is the time to focus on the people you help see again

These handy tips will make it easy for you to reach your target.

Upload a profile picture

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Upload a personal profile image so that people can find you on the website and see who they are supporting. Tell your story, update the blog regularly and share your enthusiasm and passion for restoring sight.

Lead the way and sponsor yourself

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Making a donation to yourself will show your friends and family your committment and encouraged them to follow and make their donations to help reach your goal. Every time you have achieved your goal, simply increase it! As long as there's a goal to aim for, people will give. Simply login and update your goal.

Use your resources!

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Download some of our social media resources from our resources page, and add them to your social posts, the more you get the word out about your challenge to more you will fundraise! Keep asking and you will keep getting.

Ask and you shall receive

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Ask everyone you know to support your efforts to restore sight. Log in to your fundraising account, go to 'My Fundraising', then 'Get Support'.

We’ve done most of the work for you – select the email template and send it to your own email address, where you can personalise it, before forwarding to your contacts.

Remember - if you don’t ask, people won't know. If you tell people about your efforts, they will likely want to support your challenge and donate. You may be surprised who will support your challenge to help restore sight to needlessly blind people and to see you in the live TV show sweating for Fred ;-)

And don’t forget to thank your supporters for their donations! (use the email template prepared for you)

Make a pledge! Organise an event!

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A great way to get more support for your challenge is to make a pledge to do something fun when you reach a fundraising target!

For example, you could pledge to shave your head after reaching your fundraising target! Or organise a trivia night in your local pub.

We have many resources to help you boost your fundraising - simply contact us for help.

Social media is key!

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Facebook, X, Instagram, Tik Tok or Linked-In are all perfect platforms for fundraising. People who use social media raise on average twice as much as other fundraisers!

Share your fundraising page on all your social media platforms to maximise your donations. And don't hesitate to repeat your posts - the more you share the more you get.

Send a personal message to your friends explaining your reasons to help needlessly blind people and ask for their support.