Your Impact

Your impact

Fundraising for Search4Hurt supports The Fred Hollows Foundation's work of ending avoidable blindness in more than 25 countries around the world.

Your fundraising will have a far-reaching and long-lasting impact, not only for those whose sight will be restored but also for their families and the wider community.

What exactly is avoidable blindness?

In developing countries, 9 out of 10 people who are blind don’t need to be. Eye diseases like cataract, trachoma and diabetic retinopathy can lead to blindness, despite being either treatable or preventable.

The reason people live with blindness is that they can’t access or afford quality eye health care. In many cases, a 10-minute operation can restore sight or a dose of antibiotics can prevent blindness.

Millions of people are blind simply because they live in poverty. The incredible injustice of this is the driving force behind our work.

Please take a minute to watch this short clip about our work:

The impact of restoring sight goes beyond treating blindness. In our research, we discovered that alleviating blindness is an effective way of reducing poverty in the developing world. If more people in a nation can see, more people can go to school, work, raise children, or start businesses. Ending avoidable blindness improves the economy, equality, skills and development of a country, while reducing its financial and social burden.

For every dollar that you raise and we invest in preventing someone from going blind, more than four dollars is returned in economic terms.